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Customize your blocklet

2023-09-08 08:46
· edited

In the root directory of every Blocklet application there exists a blocklet.yml file, which is the configuration file for the Blocklet application, including the project name, version, author, description of the project and other configuration information.

Here's how to define your application by modifying blocklet.yml

Configure the name and description of the blocklet#

title: Example APP
description: Demo blocklet that shows how to configure Blocklet Meta

The Blocklet name and description are represented by title and description.

The title and description will be presented in the page and will be visible to the user.

logo: logo.png

Configure file# is a file dedicated to describe the Blocklet application and will be used as the Blocklet application description file after uploading the Blocklet to the blocklet-store.

Configure screenshots#

screenshots is the image folder of the Blocklet application, which is used to display in the details page of the blocklet-store after uploading to the blocklet-store.

We need to configure the screenshots field in blocklet.yml, specifying the path to the Blocklet application's image folder.

- 0.png
- 1.png
- 2.png

A configured Blocklet displayed in the blocklet-store looks like


For more configuration see Blocklet Meta: Infomation
