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Developer Program Policies

2024-06-04 04:28
· edited

Effective Date: 2024-06-01

Welcome to the Blocklet Store Developer Program. The following policies are designed to ensure a safe, trustworthy, and efficient environment for all users and developers. By participating in the Blocklet Store Developer Program, you agree to comply with these policies.

1. General Requirements#

1.1 Developer Passports#

All developers must get their developer passports (either through invitation or staking a small amount of ABT) to submit blocklets to the Blocklet Store. Accounts must be maintained with accurate and up-to-date information. ArcBlock reserves the right to verify this information and take appropriate actions on accounts found to be inaccurate or misleading.

1.2 Blocklet Requirements#

Blocklets submitted to the Blocklet Store must:

  • Be compatible with the Blocklet Store’s operational parameters and security measures.
  • Not infringe on intellectual property rights.
  • Not include malware, spyware, or any malicious code.
  • Provide clear and truthful information about their functionality and data usage.

1.3 Privacy and Data Handling#

Developers must:

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding privacy and data protection.
  • Provide a privacy policy that details how user data is collected, used, and protected.
  • Obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or using their data.

2. Prohibited Actions#

2.1 Misrepresentation#

Developers may not misrepresent their identity or the purpose and functionality of their blocklets. Impersonation and misleading claims are strictly prohibited.

2.2 Manipulative Practices#

Any attempt to manipulate ratings, reviews, or the functionality of the Blocklet Store is forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of bots, buying reviews, or other deceptive behaviors.

2.3 Illegal Activities#

Blocklets must not facilitate or promote illegal activities. This includes the distribution of illegal content or the promotion of activities that violate local or international laws.

3. Content Policies#

Blocklets must adhere to content guidelines that prohibit:

  • Explicit or violent content.
  • Hate speech, harassment, and bullying.
  • Content that promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

4. Enforcement and Penalties#

ArcBlock reserves the right to enforce these policies at its discretion. Actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Removal of blocklets from the Blocklet Store, and slashing of staked ABT when publishing blocklets (if any).
  • Suspension or termination of developer accounts, and slashing of staked ABT when get developer passports (if any).
  • Legal action against individuals or entities violating these policies.

5. Changes to Policies#

ArcBlock may update these policies at any time. Developers will be notified of any significant changes. Continued participation in the program following any changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.

6. Contact Information#

For questions or more information about these policies, please contact
