Restore Blocklet to Blocklet Server
If you have your own Blocklet Server, you can restore the applications that have been backed up to DID Spaces to the Blocklet Server.
- You have backed up the application to DID Spaces, and you are the Owner of this application.
Operation process#
Log in to Blocklet Server#
Login to your Blocklet Server.
Enter the Blocklets page, click on the SplitButton at the top right corner, click on Restore from DID Spaces, and jump to the page for restoring the application.
Connect to DID Spaces.#
Choose your DID Spaces (the application you want to restore should exist in this DID Spaces), click Connect Now to connect to DID Spaces.
Select the application you want to restore, and click Restore to proceed to the next step.
Authorize Blocklet Server Restoration #
To restore the application, you need to authorize it before proceeding. Please authorize and provide the encryption password to continue the restoration.
After authorization is successful, the application will start restoring to your Blocklet Server.
After a brief wait, the application restoration was successful, and you will be able to see it on the blocklets page of the Blocklet Server.
Verify the results of the application.#
After the restoration is successful, you should be able to see the restored application running on the Blocklets interface.
Also can see the application of previous data, the configuration is restored to its original state.